About Grain Brokers Australia

GBA is built on a foundation of determination and evolution. The strength of the business comes from our belief in what we do, and admiration of those we do it for. The business and service has evolved with the needs of each of the members of the GBA community, ensuring the continued success of the business.


The deregulation of the grains industry created more options in the business of selling grain and posed new challenges for grain growers. This paved the way for the establishment of an independent grain marketing service to assist growers to better understand the grain markets.

Grain Brokers Australia (GBA) delivers a high calibre of service to meet the needs of a continually growing client base.

Our Grain Brokers are amongst the best in the industry. Primarily from farming backgrounds, they have in depth understanding of the complexity of marketing grain in the domestic and global economy. Each broker takes pleasure in delivering the results our growers deserve.

With its head office in Perth, Western Australia, and random tonnage services Australia-wide, the industry leading GBA service reaches growers across the nation who want grain marketing results.

A proven service with drive

The continued growth of GBA has also brought about the evolution of our service; ensuring our growers are always kept ahead of the market. We are forever striving to build revolutionary systems to assist in the marketing process as well as providing essential market information daily, while continuing the personalised service that enables our growers to proactively market their grain for success.

The values held by GBA are what drive the service. When growers invest so much money growing a crop, the values upheld by the service provider in selling that crop is of utmost importance. GBA is committed to getting the best for its growers through its comprehensive grain broking service to ensure their success season upon season.

The value of our service has resulted in more and more growers join GBA. Our growers appreciate our full understanding of the importance of grain marketing, and the effort we put into achieving the best result in each and every sale. While we continue to evolve, we pride ourselves on building an indispensable service for growers, which drives us into the future.