Grain Prices

The team at Grain Brokers Australia will keep you well informed with regular strategic conversations, and customised pricing reports giving you the confidence what to sell, when to sell, and how to sell it.

Our national team has over 200 years of Australia-wide domestic and international marketing and grain trading experience. Our unique national team approach provides our members with valuable market insights to assist with the vital task of marketing their grain.

As a Grain Brokers Australia member, you will receive the following grain pricing information:

Daily Prices

  • Morning Summary (SMS/EMAIL) – This report gives a general insight to any new market news that has the potential to influence pricing movements.
  • Midday Bid Sheet (SMS/EMAIL) – This email reports grades, port zones daily prices and recent trades curated and tailored specifically for each member‘s needs
  • Afternoon Price Update (EMAIL) – This email is distributed around 3 pm and includes key information about markets, currency movements, futures markets and port zone pricing.

Weekly Strategy

  • Strategy Report  – This report analyses local, domestic, and international markets giving you our strategic insights so you have the confidence on what to sell, when to sell and how to sell it.
  • Position Report  – Tailored position report capturing your expected production, total tonnes sold and unsold, and current market values to demonstrate expected business revenue for the season.

Monthly Report

  • USDA Report – Our analysis of the USDA Summary Report keeps our members on top of global market news.

Annual Intelligence

  • Harvest Manual – The Harvest Manual is a bible of key information essential for the harvest season and is distributed in October to current members.
  • Cropping Plan – Your Broker will collaborate with you and develop a cropping plan each season. This provides critical intelligence to forecast sales, expected profit for the season, and gives insight to your cost base and profit margins.
Book Your Free Farm Visit or call us on 1300 946 544 for more information. Free Farm Visit