AWB Season Starter Pool closes today - 28/05/14 | Grain Brokers Australia

AWB will be closing their limited tonnage pre-harvest 14/15 Season Starter Wheat Pool today.

The APW2 EPR (Estimated Pool Return) is currently $345 with Pool costs capped at $29.44/tonne.

Payment Option – Distributions (2 of) with timing of them being –

  1. First distribution to be on 27th Feb 2015 with AWB targetting a 50% distribution.
  2. Second distribution will be finalised on 31st July 2015.

There is a guaranteed minimum Pool return for this AWB Pool of 85% of the EPR for the relevant grade spread.

For example. the Guaranteed minimum Pool return is $293 for APW2 (85% of $345).

Season Starter Wheat Pool participants can also apply for a Production Advance of $80/tonne to enable them to manage some early season cashflow.

Any questions, please call your GBA broker or the office on 9367 2866.

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