BoM Climate Outlook | Grain Brokers Australia

Climate Outlooks issued 25 September 2014
Monthly and seasonal Climate Outlooks for October to December 2014 are now available on the Bureau’s website.

  • Drier than normal October to December is more likely for large parts of eastern Australia and parts of northwestern Western Australia.
  • Warmer than normal days expected over most of Australia, mostly likely in Tasmania.
  • Climate influences include warmer than normal temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean and a neutral Indian Ocean Dipole.

Rainfall Outlook 031014




Temperature Outlook 031014


Climate and water video

Climate & Water Outlook 031014


Chance of exceeding median rainfall for October to December Chance of exceeding median maximum temperature for October to December Brief summary of the rainfall, temperature and streamflow outlooks

Information courtesy of the Bureau of Metereology.

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