BoM - Climate Outlook 26th March 2015 | Grain Brokers Australia

Climate Outlooks issued 26 March 2015
Monthly and seasonal Climate Outlooks for April to June 2015 are now available on the Bureau’s website.

  • Likely to be wetter than normal over most of Australia, outside of the tropics and Tasmania.
  • Warmer than average days likely over the tropical north, parts of southeastern Australia, and the far southwest of Western Australia.
  • Major climate influence is warmer than normal sea surface temperatures in the Indian Ocean and surrounding much of the Australian coastline.
Rainfall  Temperature Climate and water video
 Rainfall Outlook 260315
Chance of exceeding median rainfall for April to June Chance of exceeding median maximum temperature for
April to June
Brief summary of the rainfall, temperature and streamflow outlooks

More information

Next update expected by 23 April 2015

Information courtesy of the Bureau of Meteorology.

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