BoM Seasonal Climate Outlook | Grain Brokers Australia

June to August 2014 outlooks issued on 27/05/14 –
The rainfall and temperature outlooks for June to August 2014 are now available on the Bureau’s website.
Key points
• Drier than normal winter likely for southern mainland Australia
• Warmer winter likely for Australia
• Climate influences include a warming tropical Pacific Ocean and an easing of the warm eastern Indian Ocean

National rainfall outlook – Chance of exceeding median rainfall.Rainfall Outlook 270514

National temperature outlook – Chance of exceeding median maximum temperature.

Temperature Outlook 270514Regional outlooks
Northern Australia rainfall: No strong shift in the odds for most of northern Australia
Northern Australia temperature: Warmer season likely for northern Australia

Southeastern Australia rainfall: Drier winter more likely for the southeast Australian mainland
Southeastern Australia temperature: Warmer winter likely for southeast Australia

Western Australia rainfall: Drier winter likely for northwestern and southern Western Australia
Western Australia temperature: Warmer winter likely for Western Australia

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