CBH Update - Litmus Barley & 14/15 Managed Pool Finalisation | Grain Brokers Australia

Litmus Barley – important information for 2015-16 deliveries – 

CBH has confirmed that it will continue to receive the Intergrain Litmus feed barley variety for the 2015-16 harvest and will extend this to all port zones (previously it was restricted to Geraldton port zone). However, there will be no niche segregations for this variety.

CBH will also continue to provide extended tolerance on loads above the 1% limit (or 1 grain in 100) for  coloured (blue) aleurone, dependent on the overall quality profile of the stack, as well as the seasonal conditions on the level being detected. Please note that there is no guarantee that CBH will be able to receive the grain if there is a high prevalence of blue aleurone.

It is anticipated that the industry will provide a clear direction for the Litmus variety to both growers and CBH prior to January 2016 to allow greater certainty for planning future seasons.

14/15 CBH Wheat Managed Pool finalisation –

The 2014/15 CBH Wheat Managed Pool has now been finalised with final payment made to growers this week. The CBH Managed Pool made a final return to growers of $300.11 (FOB) for APW1 ($277.95 FIS).

The average quality payment calculates at $4.06, meaning a final return of $304.17 FOB ($282.01 FIS) for the average grower. This compares to the initial Nominated Estimated Pool Return (NEPR) of $280 FOB ($258 FIS).

This season the CBH Managed Pool was exposed to the low prices prevailing during the June – October period, where the pool was required to make sales/hedge basis to stay within the pool mandate.

The CBH Managed Pool was further impacted by the global oversupply of wheat leading to an ultra-competitive export market during harvest, despite local grower bids remaining well supported as marketers competed to fulfil shipping commitments. This was unfortunately an impact of the April closure for this pool, as whilst the early closure returns value to growers sooner, this season it exposed the pool to the full effects of these market conditions. The 2015/16 Managed Pool will be opening for contracting later in May.

Information courtesy of the CBH Group.

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