Last harvest saw the implementation of the planned phasing out of APW2. For a long time WA has differed from the remaining wheat growing states by receiving APW2 as the base grade for wheat deliveries where APW1 is the norm. In a move to raise the export standards of Australian wheat it’s a process that is unanimously backed by all of the wheat exporting business operating out of WA. Despite CBH publicly announcing the planned removal of APW2 as a delivery grade or pay grade for 16/17 there are suggestions there is now uncertainty around the final implementation of this decision.
Currently there are only a couple of grain buyers offering spreads for APW2 on 16/17 contracts with the majority expecting the proposed change to be fully implemented this harvest. However if the need to segregate APW2 remains and CBH are considering retaining the grade for harvest growers will need to consider where they stand at this stage of production.
Without APW2 growers will be inclined to feed crops, particularly due to the season so far. With many growers in parts of the state making the decision to invest significantly in inputs in the hope of achieving the protein required for APW1. If we suddenly backflip on the decision where are we left in terms of contract management with individual buyers and their decisions to price APW2. We expect more buyers to begin pricing the spread to APW2 due to the confusion surrounding its inclusion as a delivery grade for the 16/17 season, make sure you discuss their approach to the grade at the time of contracting.