GIWA Receival Standards | Grain Brokers Australia

Receival Standards

CBH implements the Western Australian Receival Standards set by the Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA).

GIWA is responsible for setting course grain standards (barley and oats) in WA, supporting Grain Trade Australia which sets wheat grain standards nationally, Australian Oilseeds Federation which sets national oilseeds standards, and Pulse Australia which sets national pulse standards.

Download the wheat standards >

Download the barley standards >

Download the canola standards >

Download the lupin standards >

Download the oat standards > 

Download the field pea standards >

Download the faba beans standards >

Download the lentil standards >

Download the chickpea standards >

As the receival standards can change, we encourage you to register for e-mail alerts through

How receival standards are set

Each year GIWA collaborates with WA bulk handlers, including CBH, to review receival standards. The organisation implements changes on an as-needs basis to ensure WA grain meets customer requirements and WA grower returns are maximised. This alignment takes place through consultation with growers and marketers via the GIWA receival standard committees.

For more information on how standards are set please refer to the GIWA website

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