
The loyalty of our clients is testament to the services that are offered them year after year. Whether they want to talk about the markets, about how their crop is going, looking to discuss a new price target, or just to catch up for a chat, our growers know that their brokers will be there as their sounding board and knowledge base to ensure they are fully informed in all of their marketing decisions. That’s what makes GBA the industry leading grain broking service and we couldn’t be prouder.


We have been using the services of Grain Brokers Australia since 2010 and the fact that we are still using them speaks for itself.

The early morning currency report and the mid-day best grain prices keeps us right up to date with the grain markets and helps us take advantage of any price hikes. choosing the best and reliable grain traders gives us peace of mind that our harvest is in safe hands. The Grower Activity Report gives us ready access to the tonnes we have traded, what monies we have coming in and when it is due.

Finally and most importantly having Grain Brokers Australia doing all our optimizing and placing our grain into the most favourable contracts is a great help to us.

Thanks you for the successful past seven years and look forward to many more.

Jamie & Dan, Esperance

We use Grain Brokers Australia, they are very helpful and have significantly eased the burden of marketing grain, allowing me to fully concentrate on the production aspect of farming.

Ross, Pingrup