Weekly Report 20/11/15 | Grain Brokers Australia


Dec 2015 CBOT corn futures gained 2.25 USc/Bu and settled at US$3.64 per bushel.

CBOT 151120

US corn is now 96% harvested without issue.

The UK is to supply 150k of high quality malt barley to china each year for the next 5 years, competition for Australia’s malt barley exports to China.
Japan’s use of corn in animal feed rose to 45.7% in September from 45.0% same time last year and corn most competitive alternative.
The IGC cut its forecasts for world maize production for 2015/16 by 3 million tonne to 967 million tonne in its latest Market Report.
The 5% decrease year on year was driven by downward output revisions for China and South Africa, which more than offset increases for the US.

Maize 151120

Analysts estimate Brazil’s corn crop at 75% planted, below last year’s pace of 92%.

BFED 151120

To read the complete report click the link below.

Weekly Report 15_11_23

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