Weekly Report 2/1/16 | Grain Brokers Australia


In a subdued finish to 2015 corn hit new contract lows of US$3.57 during the week.

March 16 CBOT corn futures closed lower at US$3.58 per bushel down 6.8 Usc/bu for the week.

To avoid national shortages and to slow down rising prices, India will import 0.5Mt of duty free corn, the country’s first overseas imports in 16 years. For the second year in a row, severe drought in India has hindered domestic output. India traditionally is a major exporter of corn to Southeast Asia. The switch in the country’s position could give more trade to other large corn exporters such as US, Brazil and Argentina.

Severe drought conditions currently persist in South Africa is raising concerns, they may have to import corn as early as May if conditions do not improve.


Chicago May-16 soybean prices closed at 865.6 USc/bu, down 15Usc/bu in comparison to the previous week.

The condition of Ukraine’s winter rapeseed crop was little changed in the week ending 24 December. A marginal improvement (of 0.4% week-on-week), took the proportion of the crop rated good/satisfactory to 68.6%, down from 80.4% at the same point in time last year.

One of the watch points for oilseed markets over the last week has been the impact of improved weather in Brazil. While dryness remains widespread throughout stretches of northern and north-western Brazil, rains over the last week have helped to improve soil moisture. This has led to pressure for US soybean prices. However, additional rains are still needed to curb dryness in key growing regions.

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Weekly Report 16_01_02

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