Weekly Strategy Update 04/01/17 | Grain Brokers Australia

Daily grain price chart | Grain Brokers Australia
  • Wheat – Given the time of year, it is suggested that you hold onto what you have until mid January when traders are back from holidays and have an appetite for buying. The shipping stem is growing day by day which shows there is a possible upside soon to come.
  • Barley – As said previously, we anticipate buyers coming back online soon to hopefully give barley a boost. Saudi will be importing 10mmt and China 2-3mmt of feed in 2017.
  • Canola – Still a strong sell at current prices. At the current price, plus the added oil premiums, it gives you good cashflow and can ease the pain of lower grains prices currently.
  • Oats – Stuck in a rut at present. With no buyers in the market at present other than CBH, we suggest holding until others come back into the market to create some competition.
  • Lupins – Similarly to oats, there is only one buyer in the market at present. We suggest holding until more competition becomes evident.
  • Firm Bids – It is strongly suggested that firm bids are put in place with your broker (bids you’re happy to sell at) so that any spikes in the market that comes up, you don’t miss out.
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