Wheat – Recommend growers establish minimum tonnes they need to sell as required for
cash flow accompanying sales of other grains. Understanding quality is a concern, where
possible make sales or fill contracts using APW. ASW and AGP1 under-priced at current
discounts and suggest holding these over better grades. Hard wheat is extremely rare, if you
have hard wheat you have the upper hand in negotiations.
Barley – We feel feed barley can still be priced sharper than current values, at $190/t we are
the cheapest option for feed barley out there, be prepared to hold for up to six months and
target $200/t, protect downside at $185/190. Current malt premiums are strong considering
the size of the crop and quality of receivals to date. Suggest a sell at current premiums.
Canola – Supply and demand continues to be tight but current values present exceptional
value at harvest for cash. High oil values could possibly erode grower values at some point
as end user markets are generally capped at 45% max oil. Suggest make sale off the header.
Oats – Values have rallied $15-20 in the last 6 weeks and look to have flattened out. There is
a couple of buyers chasing right now so suggest selling off the header once quality is known
and contracts are filled accordingly.