Harvest Information | Grain Brokers Australia

Grain Crop Yield Measurement

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Grain Crop Yield Measurement

1. Count the viable stems per square metre approximately.

  • Measure 632mm along a crop row (approximately two good boot lengths or 1/10th of a square metre).
  • Count the strong viable stems in one row on the average of the growing area, multiply by ten = stems per square metre, do not count on headlands or double sown areas.

2. Count the number of grains per head.

  • Count the grain sockets along the side of the head length and multiply by the grains wide (subtract the top sockets from the count to establish an average as these will be lost in the harvest process). Only count the average sized grain heads.
  • Wheat will range from 5-12 grains high then multiply by the number wide on each side presenting on the head.
  • Barley will range from 5–16 grains high then multiply by two wide.

3. Estimated grain weight.

  • Use 33mg for wheat (approximate average of all current Australian wheat varieties).
  • Use 30mg for barley (approximate average all current Australian barley varieties).

4. The calculation.

(1. Stems per sqm) X (2. Grains per head) X (3. Grain weight)  / 100 000 = Grain Crop Yield mt ha

  • I.e Wheat 350 x 28 x 33 / 100 000 = 3.23 mt ha
  • I.e Barley 400 x 24 x 30 / 100 000 = 2.88 mt ha
Disclaimer: the measured outcome of the yield assessment is a guide only due to variability across assessments. Please ensure legal entry and consider biosecurity risks before entering any grain field. 

CBH Quality Optimisation Essentials, Rules, Wheat Class Guide & Instructions

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CBH Quality Optimisation

Quality Optimisation provides Western Australian grain growers with more flexibility and control over their wheat quality.

To find out more about optimising your wheat, please read the following documents.

Download Quality Optimisation Essentials (PDF)

Download Quality Optimisation Wheat Class Guide (PDF) 

Download Quality Optimisation Rules (PDF)

Download detailed instructions (PDF)

2019-20 Season cut-off dates

Please remember to optimise before the zone-based cut-off dates:

Esperance 10 January 2020
Geraldton 10 January 2020
Albany 17 January 2020
Kwinana 17 January 2020

Completing your ISCC Sustainability Self Declaration

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Completing your ISCC Sustainability Self Declaration

If you have a contract or are intending to sell your Canola as ‘sustainable’ with a member of Sustainable Grain Australia, you will need to complete a Sustainability Declaration.

Click the link below for a Fact Sheet produced by NGR.

DOC Factsheet – Completing your ISCC Sustainability Self Declaration FAQs_Prnt Rdy

Understanding GTA Location Differentials

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GTA Location Differentials (LDs) are widely used by the Australian grain industry to price “port-based” contracts, in particular, the GTA Contract No 2 Grain and Oilseeds in Bulk – Basis Track commonly known as the “Track Contract”.

The majority of grain produced in Australia will, at some stage, be priced and transacted on a “port-based” contract, which refers to the GTA LDs. LDs are not freight rates or freight differentials.

Click the link below to read a Fact Sheet from GTA about Location Differentials.

GTA – Understanding Location Differentials

GTA Location Differential

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GTA Location Differential

The Board has now endorsed 2019/20 GTA Location Differentials for WA, QLD, NSW & VIC, SA effective 01 October 2019.

Please note the following:

  • Location Differentials are not freight rates. GTA does not release freight rates.
  • Location Differentials are designed solely to price grain at upcountry sites for the GTA No 2 Contract – Track Contract.
  • Please refer to the Member Updates page on the GTA website for all Location Differentials principles and season amendments.
  • Your negotiated freight rates may vary significantly from gazetted Location Differentials.
  • To apply for a Location Differential, the bulk storage facility must be operated by a GTA member.
  • All site nominations or alterations should be submitted on a GTA Location Differential Nomination Form to submissions@graintrade.org.au
  • For more information about GTA Location Differential’s please refer to our Fact Sheet 005 Understanding Location Differentials.

Tables in Excel format – Financial members of GTA are able to receive these tables in Excel format by request. Please email admin@graintrade.org.au.

2019/20 Location Differentials
Effective as of 01 Oct 2019

Effective as of: 01 October 2019

New South Wales 
Effective as of: 01 October 2019

Effective as of: 01 October 2019

South Australia 
Effective as of: 01 October 2019

Western Australia
Effective as of: 01 October 2019

For advice regarding all changes made to the 2019/2020 Location Differentials, please refer to the Member Updates page on the website.

GIWA Receival Standards

Posted by | Harvest Information, Receival Standards & Charges | No Comments

Receival Standards

CBH implements the Western Australian Receival Standards set by the Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA).

GIWA is responsible for setting course grain standards (barley and oats) in WA, supporting Grain Trade Australia which sets wheat grain standards nationally, Australian Oilseeds Federation which sets national oilseeds standards, and Pulse Australia which sets national pulse standards.

Download the wheat standards >

Download the barley standards >

Download the canola standards >

Download the lupin standards >

Download the oat standards > 

Download the field pea standards >

Download the faba beans standards >

Download the lentil standards >

Download the chickpea standards >

As the receival standards can change, we encourage you to register for e-mail alerts through standards@cbh.com.au

How receival standards are set

Each year GIWA collaborates with WA bulk handlers, including CBH, to review receival standards. The organisation implements changes on an as-needs basis to ensure WA grain meets customer requirements and WA grower returns are maximised. This alignment takes place through consultation with growers and marketers via the GIWA receival standard committees.

For more information on how standards are set please refer to the GIWA website

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